
Hide ads in Google Apps for Business

  • Category: Code
  • Last edited: September 27, 2012

I have shifted into Google Apps to have a tinker, streamline my work and to generally learn how it all works. At PlasticStudio, we also run Google Apps and we sell it out to our clients, so it makes sense to know it inside out!
You too can get Google Apps for free. The only downside is no support and ads when you run the free version, however I have figured a way around this. Check out the steps below:

  1. Get your mitts on Google Chrome browser (Download Google Chrome)
  2. Download the application called Stylebot (Download Stylebot for Google Chrome)
  3. Create a new style rule for Google Apps Mail. To do this, open Stylebot in your Google Chrome Apps and click ‘Add’.
  4. For the URL, copy the address of your Google Apps Mail (by default it will be
  5. Paste this code in the body area:
    .BltHke.nH.oy8Mbf .mq, .nH .nH .mq, .nH .nH.PS {
    display: none;
  6. Save, refresh your Google Apps Mail, and you’re ad-free with Google Apps!